~ By Mike Galinac, Exact Match Properties ~
Now, more than ever, I think we all need to find ways to laugh a bit more, or maybe a lot more. It may not always be easy to shift your focus away from the many things surrounding us, that can cause us to become upset, anxious or depressed, but I think it’s important that we try. With that in mind, I would like to offer you the first installment of my new category of blog posts, Embarrassing Real Estate Stories. In my 31 years of selling Michigan real estate, I have had many successful and rewarding experiences, but I’ve also had my share of embarrassing moments too. Fortunately for you I’m not too proud to share them!
Many years ago, my fellow agents and I would spend our Wednesday mornings driving around touring our company’s new home listings for that week. This allowed us to become familiar with the inventory and provide helpful feedback to each other. There were about 40 of us, and we would pile into as many cars as necessary and caravan from house to house. When we arrived at the homes, we would line up from the front door to the sidewalk or driveway, wait for the listing agent to unlock the door, make our way through the home, and then onto the next one. Each tour was pretty quick, about 15 minutes tops.
On this particular morning, we arrived at a nice looking 2-story, which was listed by one of my colleagues. She was very proud of her new listing and eager for us to see it. The home had a vaulted ceiling in the living room, with an open rail staircase leading up to the bedrooms. The agent unlocked the door, and we all quickly filled the home, buzzing around from room to room. Suddenly I heard a scream coming from the upper level, and all the “buzzing around” turned into 40 frozen bodies, staring up at the open staircase. It quickly became obvious that the sellers, who were supposed to be at work, decided to take the morning off and “sleep in”. One of our agents got to see more than just the décor in that bedroom. Mrs. Seller stuck her head out of the door, apologized for forgetting about the tour, and asked us to give her and her husband 5 minutes to get dressed. Eventually, they both came out and did the walk of shame down the stairs and slinked out of the house. Now that’s how you get agents talking about your home!
I hope you enjoy your day and find a reason to smile! Thanks for reading, Mike Galinac
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